Edward ‘Teddy’ Edwards is one of the great unsung heros of British light music electronica. His achievements would seem to place him as a key figure in the evolution of analog and digital sound - his application of the linear feedback shift register (LFSR) to music in the 1970s is referred to (uncredited!) in both Curtis Roads’ ‘The Computer Music Tutorial’ (1996) and Hal Chamberlin’s ‘Musical Applications of Microprocessors’ (1980), and it was his home-brew ring-modulator circuit which was used by Desmond Briscoe and the BBC Radiophonic workshop to produce the infamous Goon Show effect ‘Major Bloodnock’s Stomach’; yet, despite that, his current stature lies somewhere between cult figure and a complete unknown. In some ways this may be due to his taste, or perhaps lack of taste, in music. Had he turned his talents to serialism or the acousmatic he might today be hailed as a British Stockhausen or Boulez; instead his career is marked by a series of semi-doomed attempts at ‘Electronic Light Music’ with such projects as ‘The Ted Edwards Electr-O-Matic Orchestra’ (1961), ‘Dancing Diodes’ (1974), and ‘ET Edwards and the Magnetic Moments’ (1981).